In order to fully exploit the advantages of 4 wheel drive
and to avoid premature wear of transmission and tyres, the peripheral
speed of the front axle must be higher than the rear.
The "MECHANICAL LEAD" (L) is the percentage relative
ratio between the peripheral speeds of the front and rear tyres.
Commonly, the correct advancement of the tractor with double traction
foresees a value of L included between +1 and + 5% (peripheral
speed of front tyres > peripheral speed rear tyres).
Values of L out of this range could cause problems of handling
instability (L < 1, the rear axle "pushes" the tractor
in excessive way respect to the frontal axle) or cause excessive creeping
between the front and rear tyres (L > 5, excessive mechanic
effort of all the transmission chain).
In both the cases, rises difficulty in the management / insertion of the
"gears" and the tyres are subjects to rapid and uneven wears.